We live in a world of compulsive social media and 24/7 sexual arousal. Sex addiction treatment is becoming more common.
In the digital age clients often struggle with compulsive social media and 24/7 sexual arousal and feel they are losing control and becoming dependent and isolated. Symptoms range from online activities to seeking out intimate encounters and ultimately intimacy is impossible.
Repetitive use of addictive sexual behaviors can feel out of control, compulsive or dependent. Untreated sex addiction can lead to compulsive sexual behavior and significant personal, professional and relational problems including job loss, financial problems and emotional distress.
Symptoms of sex addiction can look like repeated use of pornography, virtual sex through on-line chat rooms, instant messaging, compulsive masturbation or sex with anonymous partners; other symptoms can be paying for sex through escort services, other forms of prostitution, serial monogamy and affairs.
Breaking the Cycle of Sex Addiction
Understanding the parallels between the release of endorphins during sexual behavior and the patterns of substance addiction is key. An addiction treatment model adapted from traditional treatment for alcoholism and chemical dependency treats the addiction as the primary disorder not the symptom of underlying issues. Both provide a temporary escape but sex addiction prevents true intimacy.
Sexual behavior releases endorphins to the brain, like opiates, that numb pain and feel good. Endorphins are compulsively pursued several times by the sex addict and follow the same pattern as alcohol, nicotine or drug addiction. But the difference is the sex addict uses the most intimate act, sexual contact, to ultimately isolate themselves from a place where pair bonding can begin, a place of intimacy.
Seeking Transformation
Addictive behaviors start to erode the foundation of your life, happiness and functioning skills. Reading books by various authors can be helpful during this time of reflection. A partner leaves, we get fired or close friends disappear; it’s a time of reflection, a moment of self awareness and can be an opportunity to change. Through therapy and treatment individuals can overcome their struggles and live a healthier and more fulfilling life.
Embracing Recovery
Therapy isn’t just about changing behaviors; it’s about understanding oneself, facing past wounds and learning new skills. Internal Family Systems (IFS) is a therapeutic approach to sex addiction and compulsive behaviors.
New books on therapy techniques can help you understand yourself. Mindfulness based practices are integrated with other therapeutic approaches to help you regain control of your life and manage your urges better. Through therapy you regain control of your actions and open the door to a hopeful future with real connections and personal growth.

Therapy challenges our thinking and provides the tools to get out of the stories of the past and rationalizations that block true intimacy. It addresses the underlying hurt to face ourselves and the childhood defenses we carry into our adult life. Sex addiction therapy gives us the opportunity to accept ourselves and learn new skills to manage, reduce or eliminate painful behaviors. We learn to control our actions and see hope on the horizon.
Sex and Porn Addiction can attach to substance abuse issues
Many people pair and fuse the use and abuse of substances with sexual behavior. A recent article on sexualized drug use is helpful to understand this. This is sometimes called sexualized drug use or chemsex. Often this involves a stimulant drug like cocaine or methamphetamine but alcohol and other drugs are also used with sex.
New York Pathways offers sex addiction therapy and treatment to rebuild lives and relationships affected by sex addiction.
What does paired substance and sex behavior look like?
When drug use is fused with the hunt for and experience of intensely arousing sex, these paired behaviors can become self-reinforcing.
Over time substance use and sexual behavior can become paired together so often they fuse into one behavior. If you’re doing one you’re also doing (or about to do) the other. In this way getting high and seeking/finding, having sex can become one coexisting and complementary addiction. It’s important to seek treatment when substance use and sexual behavior become self-reinforcing as this can severely impact daily functioning and lead to major emotional challenges.
What is sex addiction?
Sex addiction is characterized by compulsive sexual behaviors and uncontrolled sexual thoughts that an individual can’t control. These behaviors can include repeated use of pornography, virtual sex through online chat rooms or instant messaging, compulsive masturbation, sex with anonymous partners, paying for sex through escort services and serial monogamy or affairs. This addiction leads to loss of control and isolation and blocks true intimacy.
How is sex addiction like substance addiction?
Sex addiction is like substance addiction in that both involve behaviors that release endorphins and give a temporary sense of well-being and pain relief. But while substance addiction involves drugs like alcohol, nicotine or opiates, sex addiction involves the most intimate act—sexual contact. This addiction leads to isolation not pair bonding and intimacy.
What are the symptoms of sex addiction?
Symptoms of sex addiction include:
- Compulsive use of pornography
- Virtual sex through chat rooms or instant messaging
- Compulsive masturbation
- Sex with anonymous partners
- Paying for sex through escort services
- Serial monogamy or affairs
These behaviors can interfere with forming true intimate connections and overall functioning and happiness.
How can therapy help sex addiction?
Sex addiction therapy involves addressing the behaviors and the underlying emotional issues. Working with a licensed therapist who specializes in sex addiction treatment is key to recovery. The goal is to know yourself, face past traumas and develop new skills. Therapy happens in a safe and non-judgmental environment where clients feel heard and understood.
Therapy challenges our thinking and provides the tools to get out of the stories of the past and rationalizations that block true intimacy. Through therapy we can regain control of our actions and grow as individuals and have healthier relationships.
What is the connection between sex addiction and substance abuse?
Many people who struggle with sex addiction also have substance abuse issues. This is called sexualized drug use or chemsex and often involves stimulant drugs like cocaine or methamphetamine but can also include alcohol and other substances with sex. This pairing makes recovery more complicated and requires more comprehensive treatment.
Are there any recommended reading?
Yes, there are several great books that can help you understand and manage sex addiction. Recent articles on sexualized drug use and modern therapy techniques will give you a deeper understanding of these issues. Read different authors during your reflection and self-awareness journey.
Is therapy for adults only?
While therapy for sex addiction and related issues is often for adults, it’s important to address the individual needs of each. Specialized therapy can help adults with sex addiction to function better, live happier and have healthier relationships. In New York, there are many therapy options and services available with many therapists and treatment centers that specialize in sex addiction and highlight their expertise and location for clients seeking help.
If you have further questions or need assistance, please reach out to schedule a consultation.