Navigating Addiction’s Neurobiology for Lasting Healing and Recovery
As an experienced NYC addiction therapist, I want to highlight that since 1956, the American Medical Association has categorized addiction as a disease. Addiction, according to the American Society of Addiction Medicine, is “a primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory, and related circuitry.”
Since then, a great deal of study has been done to better understand the neuroscience of addiction, including how addiction affects the brain and limbic system, the influence of genetics and family history, and the interactions between various hormones, chemicals, and neurotransmitters.
Similar to the way alcohol and marijuana do, certain actions like having sex and working out cause a dopamine rush in the brain. Humans can develop a psychological dependence on the stimulating effects of their preferred workouts or activities, even though this brain chemical is created naturally. This can occasionally transform a habit or interest into something completely different.
Characteristics shared by compulsive behaviors and addiction (also referred to as “process addictions”)
- The idea that one’s behavior or “drug of choice” determines one’s level of happiness
- Compulsive use or conduct damages relationships.
- The body and mind get tolerant of the substance or behavior in question.
- When someone gives up their compulsion, withdrawal symptoms appear.
- Despite clear indications that they and their loved ones are in pain, a person loses control over their substance use or behavior.
The most typical forms of compulsive behaviors, process addictions, and behavioral health conditions:
Exercise Addiction
Overdoing it to the point of injury and skipping meals in between sessions.
Body Dysmorphic Disorder
An obsession with physical perfection and a fixation on perceived flaws in one’s appearance
Food Addiction
The extreme under- or overeating of food to the detriment of one’s health.
Gambling Addiction
Risky and obsessive gambling despite detrimental effects on one’s emotional and financial well-being is known as gambling addiction.
Video Game Addiction
An infatuation with video games that frequently compromises one’s personal cleanliness, professional or academic aspirations, and personal life
Smartphone Addiction
Compulsive smartphone monitoring, anxiety when one is without one, and disregard for loved ones when using one.
Addiction to Love and Relationships
Unhealthy and harmful relationship behaviors, such as the propensity to enter into and exit relationships fast or to maintain several relationships at once
Sexual Addiction
Obsessive thoughts about sex or compulsive sexual behavior, either by oneself or with others, in spite of negative outcomes.
Shopping Addiction
The compulsive need to purchase goods and services regardless of the costs or consequences
Social Media Addiction
Compulsive publishing, scrolling, and monitoring of posts and interactions
Work Addiction
The obsessive pursuit of achievement, recognition, and approval at work to the point of losing one’s emotional, mental, or even physical well-being.
Do you feel this applies to what you are going through?
Addiction frequently involves cycles of relapse and remission, just like other chronic disorders like diabetes, asthma, and hypertension. Addiction can also be effectively managed and treated, just like other chronic illnesses. There are therapeutic options available to assist you in quitting, regardless of whether you are reliant on harmful behaviors or are addicted to drugs or other substances.